Calling All Hosers
OK hosers! This may be the hose you’ve been dreaming about. The Flexilla is a 5/8 inch, heavy duty, lightweight hose that is kink proof under pressure. I’m sure if you gabbed it firmly and gave it a good twist and pull, you could probably prove me wrong. You wouldn’t do that would you? Two of my closest gardening friends have this hose and swear by it. I ordered a 25 foot length and can join their chorus. Light weight and doesn’t kink—it’s a miracle. Perhaps its most valuable feature is that being really flexible, it lays flat which means you are less likely to trip over it. Its bright green color also helps too. It’s lead free drinking water safe to boot.
You can buy this hose in different lengths on Amazon, or find it in various local stores. If you look on Amazon you will see that it has had over 30,000 reviews! It’s a good time to be a hoser!
Happy hosing,
Stan, The Tool Man