About Us

Our Mission Statement

The Sacramento Perennial Plant Club provides educational opportunities for Sacramento area gardeners and horticulturalists to learn about perennials appropriate to our climate and water limitations.

What We Do

A close-up of vibrantly colored flowers.

Take a closer look at the Sacramento Perennial Plant Club and you will find a very active group of gardeners taking part in a number of interesting and worthwhile activities throughout the year. Such as:

Gaining valuable gardening knowledge by listening to speakers of interest at our monthly meetings held the fourth Thursday of the month (except July, August and November) at 7 p.m. at the Shepard Garden & Arts Center, 3330 McKinley Blvd., Sacramento. Meetings are free and open to the public.

Learning about new plants by helping with twice yearly plant sales

Serving our community by working in the WPA Rock Garden or helping with our Grants Program

Opening your own garden for other members to tour

Helping to plan and lead trips to regional gardens and specialty nurseries

Sharing your gardening skills or creative talents in club-sponsored workshops

Enjoying new friendships at our annual potlucks

Location and Directions

Unless otherwise specified, all speaker and special events are held at the Shepard Garden & Arts Center at 3330 McKinley Blvd, Sacramento, CA.  

From Business Highway 80 northbound, take the 7B H Street exit and head east.  Turn left on 33rd Street.  Turn right on Park Way, and the parking lot entrance will be the second driveway to your left.

(Careful, the parking lot is one-way)

From Business Highway 80 southbound, take exit 7B toward E Street and turn left on McKinley Blvd. and then right at 33rd St.; turn left to Park Way then left into the parking lot at the second driveway.