Last year I constructed a lattice-like structure for the garden. It consisted of 2 by 4 foot metal black grids supported by 4×4 posts. I chose to use 3 grids because I knew that a odd number of items is generally preferred. The structure stood for months and every time I looked at it, it didn’t look right. I finally figured it out. The grids were nearly invisible, but the 4 posts were quite noticeable. It bothered me so much that I extended the lattice with a fifth post and additional grid. Now I’m happy . . and felt I should expound a little on this concept of displaying an odd number of features. I asked LaVille why an odd number of items is preferred over an even number. She said that I was now dealing with art. I didn’t fully understand her continued explanation. Google to the rescue: “An odd number of details is more effective at capturing your gaze. Odd numbers force your eyes to move around the grouping. That force movement is the heart of visual interest. It’s for that reason that a set of three is more appealing and memorable than something paired off in two’s.” So, if you never considered the importance of displaying plants in odd numbers—particularly 3’s, give it a try. The same principle applies to home decoration, but I’m hardly one to give advice in that realm . . but I have been watching a lot of HGTV lately.