Garden Music
I know you love gardening—otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this blog. How about music? If you enjoy music, then I suggest you combine the two. Now you could simply turn up the volume of your sound system (whatever that might be) and indoctrinate your neighbors with your particular brand of music. But I can guarantee that your neighbors do not have the same appreciation for the genre you enjoy. It has been my experience that it is really unusual for any two people to like the same tunes—just ask my wife. So create your own personal auditory concert by using your smart phone and a set of ear buds.
Then start a subscription to Spotify. Spotify is a music streaming service that provides and almost unlimited source of music selections. The cost is $10 a month and for an additional $5 you can have a family plan that allows others living in your home to have the same experience. Once you download music, it will be in your phone and won’t require an internet connection to play. You can organize different playlists—like one for gardening, one for a brisk walking pace, or one for relaxation to prepare for napping.
One more thing: Your ear buds should be blue tooth. You won’t want to have a wire dangling about when you are gardening. Skullcandy has a good blue tooth set of ear buds for about $25. LaVille bought hers at Target. She bought a red set and wears it around as a fashion statement.
There you have it—a way to double your gardening pleasure while not affecting that of your family and neighbors.
Stan, The Blog Man