I prepare plant labels for both the Sacramento Iris Society and the Sacramento Perennial Plant Club. The labels for the Iris Club are cut to around 10 inches and are made of aluminum. The labels for the Perennial Club are cut to 5 inches and are made of plastic. We have found that plastic is easier to write on, and these labels always have a lot in information on them.
Now, I have shown below the two devices I use for label preparation. You can see the metal stop that is taped to the guillotine table. The length to which metal blinds are cut depends on the distance between the cord holes in the blinds.
After the blinds are cut to desired length, I tape a bunch together, and round the corners on an inverted belt sander. The bunches of the same length are then washed in a bucket with a dish washing solution. Then comes the fun part when I dry the labels while watching TV. The last label drying event was Sunday while watching the Super Bowl.
So, you see, someday I may have to pass this duty to another person. LaVille has refused. I really like making labels, and I am hoping there is someone out there who will take over this enjoyable task in the future.
Stan, The Blind Man (mini, that is)