Diamond Files

Diamond Files

I love to sharpen tools—mainly because it’s so easy, but of course also because a sharpened tool works so much better.  Years ago, my go-to sharpeners were a metal file and a whetstone.  About 20 years ago, I discovered the angle grinder that was fantastic at sharpening larger tools and lawn mower blades.  I have given a lot of demonstrations using a triangular file to sharpen garden tools, and that file is still the best for repairing pruner and lopper blades that have nicks.  When a power source is available, a Dremel with a barrel stone can quickly remove a lot of metal if necessary.  Several years ago, I favored the carbide sharpening tool that Corona puts out.  Its main advantage is that it is so portable, but it requires knowing the technique of how to use it.

Today, my favorite sharpening tool is the diamond file.  It has to be the easiest of all these tools to use.  It behaves like a layer of sandpaper glued to a flat surface.  You simply lay it on the surface to be removed and move it about.  You can use a circular motion or straight-lined motion—it doesn’t matter—whereas a file has to be moved in a straight line forward only.  Then too, a diamond file will work on hardened steel, whereas a metal file simply slips across the surface and the cutting edges of the file are ruined.  Today I was at an iris dig where I was able to sharpen all the scissors that were being used.  Now, the diamond file does not remove a lot of metal, so you wouldn’t want to use it for large tools like axes or shovels.  But lighter tools like pruners, loppers, and household items like scissors and knives are so easily sharpened.  The only challenge is holding the diamond file at an angle so that it matches the beveled edge to want to grind away.  You can see if the angle is correct by where the metal turns shiny.  The entire beveled surface should start to become shiny as you work.

You can test the sharpness of the tool by pulling your thumb across (not along) the sharpened edge.  When the edge is sharp, it will grab your skin rather than just slip across it.

Amazon carries a great variety of diamond files, but most are narrow.  For our sharpening needs, a large, flat file surface is best.  I really like the files shown below which I bought at Harbor Freight.  Having 3 different grits is very beneficial, and as far as I know, diamond files don’t wear out.

I really think you will appreciate your tools more when they are sharp, and diamond files make  it such an easy and rewarding process.

Stan, The Tool Man

P.S.  You will really appreciate your sharpened tool when you cut yourself.  A sharp tool will damage fewer nerve cells and your cut will be practically painless.  By the way, I have found that Shout prewash is really good at removing blood stains from clothing.

Diamond Files

Diamond Files

For You Losers

For You Losers

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why, of all the tools I own, do I most often lose the one tool that I value the most?”  The answer, of course, is the reason that tool is most valued is because you use it the most.  That point was brought to bare a couple days ago at the WPA Rock Garden.  It was past noon and we were planning to leave when Marcia couldn’t find her Hori Hori knife.  She found it several minutes after searching.  It was laying on a wall in the shade and the dark blue handle did little to make it visible. 

My suggestion to you is that you buy a can of yellow spray paint and apply it to that tool of yours that you are always losing.  Now, granted, this application will not make its appearance more esthetic, but it will make it more easy to spot in that unexpected location where you chose to leave it.  Case in point:  the scissors pictured below are uglier than sin, but since I sprayed them with yellow paint, I haven’t lost it once.  Then too, you never have to worry about someone stealing your tool when it looks like crap.  I’m just sayin’.

Stan, The Loser Man

P.S.  I would not suggest this technique for your gloves.

P.P.S.  We went to Annie’s yesterday, and guess what LaVille bought? . . . a pair of yellow gloves.

P.P.P.S.  Has anyone seen my phone?