If you want to stand out from the typical gardener who uses the ubiquitous ugly 5 gallon plastic bucket to contain everything from tools to weeds, here is your chance. Tubtrugs is the maker of an entire line of colorful, flexible, containers that would fulfill your every need. I have a friend that bought the 10 gallon size, and liked it so well that he bought 3 more. Keep in mind that if you are like me and require the rigid edges of a bucket to assist your rise from the ground to a vertical position, this may not be your best bet. But for those of you with younger legs, here is your chance to secure the envy of all your neighbors and gardening friends. Amazon has a great assortment for you to peruse. And remember, if it rains, Tubtrugs has you covered—better go with the 10 gallon size.
Stan, The Bucket Man

10-gallon Tub Trug flexible plastic bucket