I knew that title would get your interest. Now that I have you, let me tell you about something I learned about replanting potted plants. LaVille and I learned this while watching Gardener’s World on Prime Video. It seems so simple, that I am almost embarrassed not to have known of it before. When you are transplanting a potted plant either into a larger pot or into the ground, dig your hole, and then place the entire pot into the hole. Adjust for height and add soil around the pot. Firm it up. Lift the pot and its plant out of the soil. Pop the plant out of its pot and drop it into the perfectly formed hole. If the plant is so overgrown that it interferes with packing soil around it, first remove the plant from the pot, set it aside, and use the empty pot to form the new hole. For better growth results LaVille always adds Sure Start to the hole.
I hope you will remember this technique the next time you do your planting. It is really efficient and effective.