I really like to clean. One of my favorite chores is to do the laundry. Polishing silver is great fun. I used to collect antique wooden pulleys. I would clean them up and refinish them to make them look new. Of course, that reduced their value, but I didn’t care. I actually like to weed—it’s just another form of cleaning. I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea.
Today, my favorite cleaning tool is the power washer. I use it so frequently that it is always connected and ready to go in the back yard. Here are some of the things I have cleaned in the past with a power washer: used clay pots, a bird bath, water barrels, large tools I have bought at garage sales, sidewalks and pavers, windows, kids’ riding toys, cars, the barbeque, the organic, garbage, and recycling bins, and shovels and tarps after use. After the rainy season, I’ll go around and clean off all the dirt and debris that rain has splattered up on the house and planter boxes.
I hope you have thought of ways you could use a power washer. I strongly suggest that you get an electric model—not gas. Realize that you will have to be able to plug this device into an electrical outlet and attach a hose. When you move this device around your yard, you will be dragging also three lines: electric cord, hose, and tubing that leads to the spray wand. So some strength and patience is required.
Many different models are available on line and in big box stores. You shouldn’t need a power washer that puts out more than 1800 psi (pounds per square inch). My old one only puts out 1350 psi and it has been sufficient for almost everything.
So if you are a cleaning freak as I am, this is the tool for you.
Happy cleaning!
Stan, The Tool Man