I’ll bet that you have a roll of green plastic tape in your garden supplies which you use throughout the year to strap up various plants as they grow. There is now a great product that can replace this product. It is Velcro tape. You can buy it in ½ inch wide rolls that are various lengths. For instance, at this writing, a 75-foot roll costs $7.69 which means, of course, that you a paying about 10 cents a foot.
So why would you use this Velcro tape rather than plastic tape. First of all, it is easier to apply. You simply cut off the desired length and wrap it around your plant and the supportive structure—no tying involved. Second, and most importantly, the tape can be reused. You are not cutting the plastic tape and throwing it in the trash. Now I will admit that it is task to save the tape for use the next time. You need to have some system of storing used tape. But that is the cost of reusing materials instead of dumping them into the environment.
If you are interested in this product, it is available on Amazon under “Velcro Brand One-Wrap Garden Tape”.
Stan, The Tool Man (article suggested by Janice)