Knee Pads
It seems unavoidable that some gardening activities are going to be done on your knees. But you really should never kneel on a hard surface without using some sort of cushioning. Kneeling pads are useful, but if you want to be efficient and look professional, get a pair of knee pads.
I have been known to look professional all day long during gardening season. I have also looked particularly professional when walking around the neighborhood with knee pads, or especially when napping in my recliner.
I have 2 pairs of knee pads—one for inside the house, and one for outside. The outside pair sometimes gets grit stuck to them and that can cause damage to hardwood floors as you move around. (You do clean the condensing coils beneath your refrigerator, don’t you?)
There are numerous knee pad styles. I prefer a style that has a foam pad inside a harder rubber outer cover. This is the style shown below. I have seen these knee pads sold at Home Depot, and they are available for $23.71 at Amazon Prime.
The main consideration in choosing knee pads is the comfort of the securing straps. Unfortunately there is no trial program for testing knee pads. I suppose you could strap on a pair and crawl down the aisle of your local big box or garden store, but I’m afraid that would not look professional. Those of you who garden in shorts may be particularly handicapped trying to find a comfortable set. Be persistent in your search. Soon you find that you too will be eating meals and napping in your knee pads.
Stan, The (professional looking) Tool Man