“So why do I need another shovel?” you ask? Well, probably you don’t. But if your garden soil is hard, then you probably do. I’ve talked about the 2-tiner before. Remember that the advantage of having only two tines is that not only do they penetrate soil more easily, but they also make removing peripheral iris rhizomes easier. This new shovel is called a spear head spade. It has the advantage of a narrow, pointed head that makes it easier to dig into a hard surface. It is stronger than a 2-tiner which sometimes can have its tines bent when the soil is really tough. The base of the spade’s blade is still wide enough for your foot to get a good purchase. I think the cost of this spear headed spade is rather pricey, but it may be worth it and become your favorite tool. I would avoid the really short handled version—it wouldn’t give you enough leverage. Below is the model available from Amazon which is probably your best bet for $52. Google “spear head shovel” to see options.
Stan, The Tool Man